You will receive a confirmation email of your order shortly. Please see next steps for the service purchased.
To best prepare for your session, please send us the following information:
Formula, concept, finished product specifications, competitor set, and any other information that may be helpful for us in preparation for the meeting. If you don’t have all of this, no worries - just send us what you do have and we will work with the information available.
A list of your topics and questions that you’d like us to cover in the session together.
Booking Your Session:
You may choose to separate the two hours we have together and split them into two 1 hr sessions or you may do the entire 2 hour session in one sitting:
For 1:1 Consultation Sessions
For Label Compliance Review
Retainer Arrangements
For product label review please send us the following information:
Formula(s), finished product specification(s), pdf of the label(s), allergen statement.
Supplement Facts or Nutrition Facts provided by the contract manufacturer.
If you do not have the above information, please inform us and we will work with the information available or provide guidance on obtaining the information needed for the review exercise.
Next Steps
If you’d like to utilize the time in your retainer to book a meeting, please see links below. In prep for the meeting, please send us pertinent questions, information etc that you feel will be helpful.
Click here to book your 1 hour session with Brian
Click here to book your 2 hour session with Brian
Otherwise, if the retainer services is to be used for other compliance services, no further action is required. Someone on our team will reach out to you or feel free to send us information to kick-start your retainer request.