Amazon Product Page Compliance Review


Review of an Amazon product page for one (1) food/dietary supplement product. Review will evaluate for risk-prone claims, as well as evaluate images, and provide alternative language for client to consider/use. Up to 3 rounds of review.

Blue Ocean Regulatory assumes that claims on site are already substantiated (ie. Truthful and is backed by studies). If client requires that claims be reviewed for clinical studies, additional charges will apply prior to work commencing.

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Review of an Amazon product page for one (1) food/dietary supplement product. Review will evaluate for risk-prone claims, as well as evaluate images, and provide alternative language for client to consider/use. Up to 3 rounds of review.

Blue Ocean Regulatory assumes that claims on site are already substantiated (ie. Truthful and is backed by studies). If client requires that claims be reviewed for clinical studies, additional charges will apply prior to work commencing.

Review of an Amazon product page for one (1) food/dietary supplement product. Review will evaluate for risk-prone claims, as well as evaluate images, and provide alternative language for client to consider/use. Up to 3 rounds of review.

Blue Ocean Regulatory assumes that claims on site are already substantiated (ie. Truthful and is backed by studies). If client requires that claims be reviewed for clinical studies, additional charges will apply prior to work commencing.